Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Need advice about my adhd child,please no negative comments?

she`s in the 3rd grade,i give her meds at school only.she`s doing great- straight a`s at 3 wk progress grades.got stern letter from teacher, saying, she isn`t a team player-with projects, organization. wants to do things herself,is this her adhd- folks, she does`nt want her without her meds- i watch her bounce, hop etc in the summer , weeknds .holidays, cause i would like her to really know herself%26amp; not depend on it .any help appreciated-thanks- she has come a long way at school.Need advice about my adhd child,please no negative comments?
Honestly, it sounds like you are doing all of the right things. You are not allowing her ADHD to control your lives, you are learning how to deal and live with it. She has shown that she is trying and is responsive to the meds. My concern is her teacher. Teachers have to be adaptable, they have to adjust to deal with the best and worst students. that is their job. She should be working with you to make school a positive experience for your daughter and offer more suggestions (do some research herself) not send a stern letter about where your child is lacking. You can switch her to a new class, or at the very least meet with the teacher and the principal. She has a job, to provide your daughter with the best education possible, and if that means adapting to her needs, then that is what she should be doing. You sound like a great Mom, your daughter is very lucky to have you.Need advice about my adhd child,please no negative comments?
Well, when do you give her ...her medicine? during the morning..try in the afternoons if you arent doing that alreay and you probably are.....instead because really in the moring i think they are still kinda slow getting around and they arent as rambucious ...Well, of coarse she isnt a team player she has ADHD..duh!!...and teachers are the worse...to suggest about giving medicines..and I know it is hard for the teacher too because she has others in the class, that she is responsible for..but she has to understand also she has to reach out to all children special ones too.....but, maybe placing her with a one on one so that the teacher can still have piece of mind...like an Aide..in the classroom..that usually helps.... and if the teacher has several slow ones in the classroom then the aide can assist them and not look like the aide is there for your little girl..see what you think about that,...hoped i helped..
I think it's natural for kids her age, not just with adhd, to play, bounce and hop etc.

It's something that needs a lot of working on, and if she got A's after 3 weeks - it seems like she's very cooperative.

Maybe siging her up on sports activities after school will help her spread the energy while learning about team playing.
I do the same thing for my son that is in 4th grade (He takes his medication on school days and not on the weekend or holidays.) It took me years of figuring out with our pediatrician what was best for him. I didn't have him on medication, and he was failing, had mood swings, wasn't a team player, and an out of control temper. Without being on medication he wouldn't even know what he did for classwork, nor what his homework was. He is doing great now. He takes Focalin and doesn't have the problems he once had. There are still some sensitivities with being a team player at school, and at home with his brother and sister, and his temper in which we are working on. I explain to him how he should work with people etc. on these issues. I give him examples on how it would help him, and although it is getting better, I have to be very consistent with him. I also have alot of discussions with his teacher, and try to work with her as to what I am doing at home, and how we can prepare him better at school (this year's teacher has been very helpful and responsive whereas other teachers he has had have not!)

Having a daughter that is older than my son, I have realized that girls like to do things themselves alot more, so I don't think that is your daughter's adhd. Even if this teacher wants her on medication, you and your doctor should be the ones to decide what is the best formula, and then try to work with the teacher like I do. Communication is key.
I think that she sounds like a fairly typical 3rd grader. Maybe just try to encourage her more to be a team player and that it is necessary to work with other kids at school. Meds are scary because you don't want them to change your child's personality, but sometimes they are necessary. It is something that you should talk to her pediatrician about. She sounds like a good kid, just keep working with her and encouraging her. It sounds like you are doing a great job.
Some kids are just VERY active and we have labeled these kids ADHD. A lot of times teachers get frustrated because they don't know how to handle these kids and they can be a disruption in class. I don't think its a good idea, in my honest opinion, to have kids on meds (or anyone one in particular unless they are schizophrenic). But I really don't think it's a good idea to have her on and off consistently. It can put a serious strain on the child's mind and body. All of that was leading up to:

Have you tried other methods, natural remedies to soothe and calm her. Or classes with professionals that will teach her skills to notice when she is starting to become anxious? There are many different alternatives other them meds. I appreciate that you want her to know her true self.

As far as the teacher, maybe you need to have a sit down with her and the principal to discuss this and come up with a good solution for everyone. Not all kids are meant to be team players, though they really should have an understanding of it. Some people just really do a better job on their own. I'm one of them. Put me In a group to accomplish a task and I clam up. Sit me down by myself to do something and I will do a fantastic job.


I have a friend that is currently studying psychology. I know it's not psychiatry, but she knows a lot of the subject. I will ask her about the on/off thing. It sounds strange to me that a Dr. would think it's not harmful. I've never heard that before, though I will never claim to be an expert on the subject, it's just that from all that I've heard (my son's father was manic and bi-polar) it's all or none.

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