Friday, April 30, 2010

Mature/experience folks- do you have any advice for young adults about fulfillment and happiness?

if you could turn back time, how would you do things differently about professional life, family life, love life, etc in a way that builds happiness and fulfillment? or maybe you look back fondly at what you did do?

what advice would you give to someone in the late 20s that wants to live a long healthy and happy life?Mature/experience folks- do you have any advice for young adults about fulfillment and happiness?
1. Always address the source of your unhappiness.

2. Recognize the connection between mind and body.

3. Be self-aware. Learn how you sabotage your happiness and successes in those areas.

4. Learn to let go.

5. Surround yourself with positive people. Limit your contact with negative people including complainers, whiners and drama queens.

6. Consider that any problem is an opportunity.

7. Surround yourself with people who you are compatible with. (Not interests) A shy person and a social person will have ongoing conflict and difficulties.

8. Learn from the experience of others. Don't repeat someone else's mistakes just to have the experience.

9. Learn to clear your mind of clutter. A weekly house cleaning of troublesome thoughts is highly beneficial.Mature/experience folks- do you have any advice for young adults about fulfillment and happiness?
Recall the successful business man in ';The Graduate'; who advised the recent college grad: ';plastics';

My advice to you is: solar
alcohol and a steady lay, what more do you need?
The past you live is what makes you who you are today, The trials bring growth, the painful times bring purging and strength, the happy bring fond memories. For me I just remember two things... there is only one person I HAVE to live with my whole As long as I can look in the mirror and like who I see, I can be happy. The other is that at the end of this life there is one Other who gets to say if he was happy with me...;-)
I think one thing that is very important to have something that you are both very interested in. It could be a church or something like, hiking, water gardening (Koi), golfing, bicycling, art in some form, flying a plane...well, be creative.

After we have been married for many years, to enjoy a common interest, creates a bond. It's a passion you share!

You will fill your years with fond memories, videos, photos, much laughter. It makes for a healthy relationship!

My husband and I have had our spiritual growth in common...we talk endlessly of the latest book we have read, etc. We also are also both painters and have fun hanging our work all around the house. We look like a gallery, here!

Of course, we have had our family and pets...they kept us pretty busy for a long while.

To find out your 'personality types' through Meyer's/Briggs is a real good idea. It honestly does help you to get more of an inside view of your helps not to step on toes over and over again. We did this and it has helped us a lot.

Don't go into debt...not causes arguments. And, of course, you know a healthy sex life and emotional support are most important!!

Don't ever be afraid to seek counseling if things seem strained. Living together can be tough and's a mixture! Much happiness to you!
i would stress how important it is to love yourself...and more importantly to love being WITH yourself...that means you dont have to have someone to love you back (youre healthier when you dont NEED love), you love what you DO and you love who you are becoming.....its an awful life when youre unhappy being alone (that WILL happen), hate your job and you arent using your talents to discover more of yourself.
The only lasting fullfillment and happiness in life is found in your relationship with God. Be you christian,jew, atheist, voodoo, muslim, etc.
Meditation. Everything you need you have. Taking time out from all the crap is the best way to access it. you get better and better and being internally happy, and things don't bother you like they used to. It translates to every other area of your life on its own.
I would change nothing about my past if I had my life to live again. I have had a rich full life and am happy, healthy and positive.

I would recommend that you travel. Be sure you have a good education. But I think the most important thing is that you keep an open mind with a good attitude.

My advise is to keep your eyes open and see and learn all you can. The more things you know, the more you can do. Focus is good, but always try new things. Learning is one key to happiness.

Love unconditionally. Do not put expectations in your gift of love, give it freely.

Listen! If you listen to what people are saying, not just their words, but between the lines, you will communicate better. This will help your relationships.

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