Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What would you do about this situation? -in need of lady's advice?

Situation - man is active duty air force and moves frequently and his girlfriend (hopefully fianc茅) has say a technical or advanced degree and job that isn't everywhere he is assaigned. would you commit to that marriage if you were her knowing that your career might not be as successful.What would you do about this situation? -in need of lady's advice?
Well, she may commit if she loves you and doesn't want to lose you, but these are serious problems that should definetly be resolved before marrying so you don't get stuck with the ';what ifs'; later on. There may be some way to work it out for both of you, or maybe she isn't all that interested in a career anyway. The only way to know is to ask. Good luck.What would you do about this situation? -in need of lady's advice?
Well you have to set your priorities straight, what is more important to you this man that you love or your carrier? In my case love is more important but it varries from person to person, therefore I would marry him and sacrifice my carrier because my carrier isn't more imporatant that spending my entire life with the love of my life, i am going to be a social worker, but it is up to you to think about what is more important to you and decide...I hope i was of some help, best of luck!
If you have doubts at all-it's not a good time-wait it out. You too have some issues even before you get married, and I think you need to work those out before you go any further.
It depends on what the woman feels is more important-- a career or her husband. Lots of men and women do this. It goes with marrying someone who is enlisted. But who is to say that her career won't be as successful? I mean, it might not be, but you never know what the alternative was going to be anyway. Life seems to work out well no matter what road you choose so there will be great things along the way. Personally, I wouldn't because my career is very important to me. But then again, if you plan out your life too much, you may miss out on great things that you didn't plan would happen.

Good luck.
years ago, i read of a similar story. as a compromise, the man changed his last name to his wife's name.

i couldn't do it though. i would only date a man if he were in the Air Force Reserves. Because I have a really good government job, and I'm currently in the Coast Guard Reserves. that's a thought, maybe he could do air force reserve after his current active duty term is over.
A lot would depend on the relationship. Could you financially afford to work for less that you are *worth*? Would you feel resentment tword him for making your career take a back burner to his? Is there the chance that when he retires or ends his duty tour that you could go back into what you want? Is it possible to telecommute?
if you love each other you can make it work. talk to him.
Relationships as well as marriages are full of compromises, so, communication before either other of them on a serious basis, need to be discussed thoroughly. When the term regarding your career mentioned ';might not be as successful';, this is a situation that needs to be placed in perspective. As long as both of you are working for the needs or the marriage or relationship, and you are happy, this is all that counts. Material things or the size of a pay check should not be the major factor in any relationship, although they play a part over time.
I certainly would. The degree is great to have, but will it keep you company when you are lonely, or make you laugh when you are sad? Active duty military service is no reason to not commit. The tour of duty will end some day, and if you commit, you will have not only your man, but your degree to get a great job. In the meanwhile, while he is stationed somewhere the degree might not be really ';useful'; , I am sure the knowledge you obtained in getting the degree would be able to land you a job. (Maybe even as a ';civy'; worker at the same base. ) It may not be exactly what you are trained for, but that it would still be a job, and you would be together. You can always look for the ';perfect'; job after he gets out of the military.
The only degree that I can think of that is not useful everywhere is poli-sci but you/she knew that when you/she starting dating him. That's only a call you can make, but it might be possible that you can make a career change that you will like even more.
Only if I truly loved him and made it abs clear to him that you will always have a career.
. If she loves you she will follow you to the end of the earth. She can take her skills and get a civillain job with the military. Thats what my mom did (dad ret.airforce 20 yrs) she was able to transfer when we had to move.Dont let her being a career woman keep you from proposing.
yea i would! if its true love then its worth it! my hubby is in the navy %26amp; i actually had to leave school to move with him %26amp; make it work! but i have no doubt in my mind i did the right thing, money from a successful career is nothing if you don't have the one you love by your side!
If you love her and she loves you and you feel the same way about each other then i think it could work out as long as you are faithful and honest and have trust in each other. My fiance and I have been together for 7 yrs in August and he works for a union on a pipeline and he moves all over the country and we find a way to make it work i actually just moved back to texas so that he could go to work in north dakota for 2 years after just moving to Wisconsin for 6 months .. Good LUck to you
I was a career manager in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for 9 years and I had to deal with this exact situation countless times when transferring a police officer married to a lady such as yourself.

Often, there would be a trade off and there were many options should they take the transfer ie: taking more University Courses (Correspondance or at a University if there was on in their community %26amp; he would have to pay) to decide it was a good time to get pregnant and start a family.

However, there were times when options were not available or on the books. Split ups occured as well unhappy people living together. Sometimes, HE decides not to take the move because he doesn't want to be kicked to the curb.

As Forrest Gump said: ';Life is like a box of chocolates, you have decsions to make'; and it's what you make of it. You can get all the opinions you want, but in the end, it's up to you and how you fair with it.
Well I think it would be hard, but if she really loves you and wants to be with you then she'd marry you, but if her job is more important to her than you sadly you're out of luck. You might end up losing her, but it really depends on the person.
It depends. Is the man willing to give up his AF career and find work in a town agreeable to both partners? That is what I would ask.

It should not be assumed that the woman should give up everything for her man--is he worth it?
Depends on how much I truely loved the man. Millions of women do it. Just depends on yours Good luck
All I can say is marriage is 50/50 with brutal honesty.

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