Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Any advice what to do about water in the knee, its very painful?

i dont know how to fix this problem, where do i startAny advice what to do about water in the knee, its very painful?
Hi: How do you know if it is water on the knee, or if your knee is just swollen? I have had two total knee

replacements in my life starting with water on my knee

which, yes was very painful. The problem I had was that

my kneecap was not attached to the groove that it is

suppose to sit in. So I went for years just having my knee ';pop out of place'; which would happen anywhere, anytime and then I would hit the ground. I was fairly young at that time and continued to have knee pain my entire life. Finally I got down to business and was seen by an orthopedic surgeon and had to have one knee completely replaced and the other had to be partially replaced. But that does not have to happen to you. If you go to the doctor and first get a diagnosis. If you have water on the knee, they will drain it and clean out the knee by debriding it with a small incision only and with EXERCISE AND PHYSICAL THERAPY you can repair yourself.

This is very important coming from a lady that is 60 and can hardly walk because I did not do what the doctor told me to do, I thought it would just go away!Any advice what to do about water in the knee, its very painful?
really?..ok..you can either go see a dr...OR...you can get a knife,jab it right in the middle of your knee cap and have dad squeeze the liquid out of it..your choice.
see a doc. bout only thing can say not something that can be treated at home. (by water im assumeing u mean fluid )
If you have high blood pressure, you probably have what is called edema, or swelling in the legs. This happens when the kidneys don't excrete enough sodium and all of that excess sodium has to go somewhere.....and it deposits on the joints of the lower body. As a result, the joints swell and when this happens, pain results. To stop that, cut the salt out of your diet if you have this condition.

If you are overweight, you stand a high risk of a type of painful attack called gout, which occurs when excess amounts of urea (the waste blood usually excreted by your kidneys) deposit around the joint area of the knee, and the pain can resemble something like arthritis. Lose the weight and you can reduce or even eliminate the gout attacks.

Hope all of this helps....
Need to have it drained or try Chinese acupuncture
U need 2 go c ur Doc., he can do some test and they usually stick a needle in the area to drain it. It's called fluid on the knee which sometimes can be blood build up. This can b very dangerous and cause a multitude of problems. 4 now-until u c the Doc. %26amp; find out exactly what is going on- stay off it %26amp; elevate it 4 inches above ur heart wether ur sitting or lying down. If u can, take tylenol 4 the discomfort- I don't want 2 tell u 2 take ibuprophen cause that can make u bleed in ur stomache and Etc., If ur unhealthy (overweight) or any type of other problems- don't put it off- get in 2 ur Doc. %26amp; let him/her take care of this as soon as u possibly can. Good Luck %26amp; take care of ur self!

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