Friday, April 30, 2010

I'm scared to marry him, look at what he lied about! advice please?

my bf and i usually have lunch between my college classes. he leaves work and picks me up from college to go out. yesterday i asked him to drop me off a little earlier cause i wanted to do some research before class.

he questioned this 'why i want to go to uni early for a change'.

anyway when i got there and started working on my research, he starts calling, i refused to answer, cause i knew he was going to check up on wat i was doing.

he went frantic and i starting messaging : 'what i are u doing!' tell me now!

i'm used to this kind of behavior, but this time he claimed to have come to the campus and was looking me: ' i'm searching all the classes, come out'

we didn't end up meeting face to face that day at campus.


today when we were arguing about his behavior yest, he said: ' i didnt really come looking for you, i just said i was, but infact i wasnt' .

WHAT the HELL!I'm scared to marry him, look at what he lied about! advice please?
I agree with your being leery about the thought of marriage to this guy.

It's always hard to advise without knowing the whole situation. Is there anything in your past that might cause him to be suspicious?

If there is not already some conflict between you about past behavior on your part, then he should have accepted what you said without any question.

Telling you he wasn't searching was either a lie, or proof that he was engaging in some real manipulation.

I would think twice about marriage to him too. If he has reasons for his outburst, see if you two can negotiate how to handle situations like this in the future. Then wait a good year before considering marriage to him.

This controlling pattern is very common in men who become physically abusive later on. If he is doing this stuff for no good reason, I would break off the relationship now, before he becomes downright dangerous.I'm scared to marry him, look at what he lied about! advice please?
Controlling men are not impossible to live with........ It's just really depressing and crushes your sense of self worth. You'll end up with no friends and no decisions of your ow.

Oh, and it almost always ends up with him hitting you so if that is what you want your future to be then go ahead and get married to him.

Good luck. You're going to need it!
WOW!! Serioulsy, he does sound like a control freak! If he is like that now when you get married it will just get worse... Tell him you need space. %26amp; see how he reacts to that.

You seriously need to think about it twice before putting a ring on your finger.

%26amp; LOVE doesn't CONQUER it all!!!
Uh-Oh! He's bad news. If u marry this guy, you may kiss your freedom goodbye. He'll control your life until u don't exist anymore, and your world would only revolve around him. Dump Him!
Lying is the least of your problems with this guy. He's a control freak and you can say good bye to your friends, family and self worth if you marry him. Walk away from this relationship.
That sounds like a relationship you shouldn't be in. He doesn't seem to trust you and he seems very demanding and controlling.
this is silly, why are you with this guy? make sure you get a very detailed prenuptial agreement if even contemplate marriage.
red flag baby a control freak.. I hope you like your living room, because he'll never let you out of it... he'll control your every move so he can hide his.. what smart woman goes into a marriage AFRAID?
Wow are you lucky get as far away from this man as quickly as possible. Need say no more..

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