Friday, April 30, 2010

Help/advice about bleaching my hair ?

my hair is reddish blonde and i want it to be more sandy/platinum blonde rather that golden and reddish. everyone says bleaching is the best choice. i need helpgul advice about what kindof bleach and tips for diy bleaching. thanks !Help/advice about bleaching my hair ?
Do not use any bleaches from stores as they are not good enough quality. From experience, I recommend 20 vol developer and the powder mentioned in the reference video. Your hair is worth it. After about 20 mins it should be light enough to color over, and you should use temporary color such as clairol natural instincts (choose a lighter shade than you actually want-- bleached hair sucks in pigment at a darker level and this dye is known to run a bit dark). Use cholesterol cream afterwards to condition, you can find it in the ethnic hair care section at walmart for two bucks. Slather it on, wrap your head in plastic and put the hair dryer on it for ten minutes, then leave the works on for at least 30 mins if not all night. rinse VERY well. Your hair will be just like before, except the color you desire.

I researched for months how to bleach my hair which I had been dying permanent jet black for 15 years. Two strippings and three bleaches within a month later, I have the color I want and still healthy hair, so I know what I'm talking about. If you have natural hair, bleaching is easy, and does not have to be a negative or hair-ruining experience AT ALL. Don't believe the hype, don't let people scare you, and do your research.

While the sites below focus on going from dark to light, the point is, if this can be done, then your hair can be done EASILY.

Do strand tests. Then what's to fear?Help/advice about bleaching my hair ?
go to walgreens or rite aid. they have a bleaching kit. you probably will keep it on your hair for 25 mins. then you might want to get diff. colors of blonde to put in, as highlights (so it looks nice). or you could go to a solon
go to the stylists;_ylt=Au1xMEbmm_.vWgNamYr_zmMNxgt.;_ylv=3?qid=20090306233533AA96axy
Do not do it yourself, go to a salon. Dying red hair can be pretty tricky.

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