Friday, April 30, 2010

PLEASE HELP!!! I need some advice about english. its a yes or no question.?

im doing a report about yellow fever. its needs to have 3 body paragraphs. what order should i put them in?

1) Explaination of Yellow fever

2) How Yellow fever arrvied to America

3)The Impact, The Cure

should i keep it in that order, or change it? please please please help me asap!PLEASE HELP!!! I need some advice about english. its a yes or no question.?
I'd keep it in the same order. Explaining yellow fever defines the topic so that the audience knows what you're talking about as you advance the theme.PLEASE HELP!!! I need some advice about english. its a yes or no question.?
I think you should keep it in that order because the 1st paragraph introduces what it actually is and then how it arrived and what the cure is.
it should go in this yellow fever arrived in america then explanation of yellow fever then lastly the impact, the cure. does that sound good? we had to do the same thing in grade school.
Keep it in that order. It's in a logical format. It gives you back ground on what it is, tells you the history of it, and then the present/future.
I would do how yellow fever arrived to America then the Explanation then impact, the cure!! Just so the audience knows how it got to america.
Write How the yellow fever arrived

than Explain

Than The impact, The cure
I vote with the same order folks on this.
ye it sounds good i am in %26amp;th grade and i get As in english
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