Friday, April 30, 2010

My stepdaughter has asked for advice about her marriage?

We think her husband is a loser. He's been in the same job for five years and has never tried for a promotion, even though his boss has told him he should. She's at home with two pre-school children and is going out of her mind. She'd like to get a job, but they can't afford day care on his income. Stepdaughter says she loves him, although when I ask her why, she can't give me an answer. So, when she asks me for advice, what should I tell her?My stepdaughter has asked for advice about her marriage?
I don't feel you are in a position to be a good marriage counselor. Just because your son in law is content in his job and doesn't want to climb the corporate ladder, does not mean you are a looser. Your stepdaughter chose to have those two children, it is her duty to raise them. The 2 extra cents she would bring home from working outside the home would not be worth the fuss. Tell her to live within a budget and enjoy her healthy family.

She does not need to be able to verbalize why she loves him to you or to anyone. It is enough that she does.My stepdaughter has asked for advice about her marriage?
Stay out of it........honestly..she will stay with him and in an argument declare you told her he was a loser! Let her live her life
Just tell her, she needs to do what SHE thinks is best and that you can't make that decision for her.
I hope this will help you and her.......

Listen objectively to each other,as you would a friend. Acceptance is a key to understaning and a buffer for tension and resentment. Dont take things personally,give each other the right to have different opinions, the right to disagree. You dont want anyone to control your feelings, so dont try to own someone elses not even the feelings of the one you love.

Look to each other for help. Dont let your problems or concerns get out of hand and make you go in opposite directions. Be joyful that you've each made a commitment to the other.... through sickness or health,poverty or wealth, or whatever comes're in this life together be thankful.

Talk about things together the way you would talk with a friend.Absolutely refuse to say anything negative about your partner.Share your most important secrets and never betray the secrets of your partner treat them as almost sacred.keep your own idenity but walk together as one.Dont ever give up on your love.

He made find the thought of promotion frightening, it is a big step it can mean more work load, which can mean more time away from home and the family, I wouldnt call him a loser just because he hasnt taken that step yet,as his children are young he may see his time with them as more important than promotion and extra pressure that goes with promotion, your step daughter could work from home to bring in extra cash then she wouldnt need day care,she could work hours that suit her and the children,we all have to make sacrifices in our relationships..If his boss says he should go for promotion why doesnt he put him forward for it,we all question our feelings when things arent going right if she is sure she loves him then thats enough, would she rather be on her won with two small kids and no job or support, or with the man she loves and has to work with not against....tell her what I wrote above and to speak with her husband about this and let him know her feelings on the promotion, ask him why he hasnt gone for it see what he says and then discuss the positives and negatives of a promotion.....Good luck
Does she not have family to help with watching the kids so she can work part time at the least?? That would be really good for her mind. (HINT!- If your truly wanting to help...put your money where your mouth something to help her out.)

It does not matter if you think he is a loser, that is her husband, father to her children and the father of your husbands grandchildren.

He has had the same job for 5 years, bravo, some wives here cant even get their husband to work. So what if he is no over driven workaholic who barely sees his family.

She should not have to give you a itemized list on why she loves him. Its not your business.

If she wants advice, give her your best advice possible. Be helpful. That is really all you can do.
Let me get this straight ... He works and provides for his family, plus he has the love of his wife. That makes him a loser??? Yeah right. A loser is someone who mooches off the government, doesn't take care of his family, and makes his partner miserable. You can't give her good advice because you're bias.
as a married woman you should know a lil something about unconditional love. she loves the loser. its not based on his takehome pay.

she really needs to take this up with her man and lay down her position.

lack of ambition isnt grounds for automatic divorce.
Go with her heart.....

Cause that would be the greatest regret if ever the heart felt otherwise...
Why would you think someone who has worked at the same job for 5 years a looser? So unds like he is on the level to me. He maybe happy in his present situation. Promotion could equal more stress and less time at home with the wife and kids he loves. Are they being evicted? Are they going hungry? What makes this guy a looser to you? Is he not making her happy and the kids too? Why not ask him to sit with the kids so she can have some time to herself? Sounds like that is what she is needing to me. Plus she needs to talk to her husband about it and not you. You mean well but it could cause problems between them. If he was into having kids for the monthly government check for them is a looser to me.

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