Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Need Advice about My Road Test...?

I have my road test this friday and im very nervous! as far as the 3 point turn and parralel parking goes, i think im ok...but other then that im pretty nervous. Anybody have some advice for me? Anything would be greatly apreciated! Thanks!I Need Advice about My Road Test...?
Seat belt ON, adjust the mirrors. Don't forget to signal. Don't change lanes without checking the mirrors AND looking over your shoulder in the blind spot. Listen to what you are being asked to do.I Need Advice about My Road Test...?
Make sure to follow the speed limits, adjust all your mirrors, check your blind spots, and signal when turning. Pay attention to your surroundings when driving and just follow the directions your instructor gives you. Don't worry, you'll do fine. Good luck!!

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