Friday, April 30, 2010

I need advice about my boyfriend (i am 14 so yea)?

OK we spend no time together. Only on the school bus for 8 minutes to and from school, at school he doesnt talk nor hangout with me. He doesnt tell his other friends that he's taken EVEN IF ITS A GIRL!! He hugs other girls. He hangs out with other girls more then me. THESE GIRLS ARE CLOSER TO HIM THEN I AM!! and i dont want to leave him. HELP ME PLEASE!! :[I need advice about my boyfriend (i am 14 so yea)?
You're clearly not his girlfriend.I need advice about my boyfriend (i am 14 so yea)?
Hes to immature to be in a relationship. Either dump him if it bothers you that he does that, or sick it out with him because you have to realize that hes 14 and you can't expect much more out of a 14 year old with something like a real relationship. Not knocking your age, but at when i was 14, girls were nothing but a flirting game. Dont stress it, your so young and i can garinti you, you will not be with him forever n e ways. you personality is gonna change so much in the next 5 years, you will look back at this time in your life and wonder why you stressed over dumb stuff like boys instead of enjoying your youth. its ok tho because every 1 does it. you will have a lot of happy times with boys and you will get your heart torn out at least once. So dont stress him hugging other girls and not talking to you like you would like. like i said if it bothers your. dump him and move on. good luck, and dont grow up 2 fast.
hes young and immature... you will experience ALOT of this... but however if hes not making effort to work the relationship it wont last. Also communication is super important work on it.. just be liek hey we need to talk and ask him why he behaves that way around girls and no time with you. Honestly i cant see this relatioship lasting unless you guys both work equally hard for it.
Is he really worth it?

At your age, it's hard to understand-- been there-- .. but think about this.

- How many years/ months/ weeks have you been with him?

- You've only lived 14 years of your life.

- You have so much more life to live, and boys to meet.

So again, is he really worth this?

Sorry Emily, you're going to have to leave him. If you don't start standing up for yourself now you are going to let guys walk all over you for the rest of your life.
yeah, he is not ready for a relationship. Your just his side dish when he wants a gf he will come to you. But he is so young and so are you so of course he is going to be the boy that you describe.
Then hang out with him, you shouldn't wait for him to want to hang out with you.

Take the lead.
He's a young boy. This is normal for young boys. That's why getting serious at your age is not smart.
show him that u wanna be seen with him.or mention to other that u are togther. maybe u need 2 ask him y he acts that wyay?
tell him how u feel man u can probably find a better man but if u dont want 2 leev him den tell him how u feel dats wat i wud do

It seems like he doesn't want anyone to know ur his gf. Don't waste ur time with him.
you should tell him that u want to hang out more.

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