Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I need some advice about teenage problems!?

well, i get spots real bad. And i've tried EVERYTHING to get rid of them but it's not working. I've tried not wearing make up, i've tried skin wipes, i've tried cream, and gel, and anti spot cream. Spots don't run in our family.

Does anyone know something to get rid of them?

xI need some advice about teenage problems!?
What is your lifestyle like? Diet is really important, lots of fruit and veg, wholemeal carbs (brown rice, pasta, potatoes), lean proteins(chicken, fish, beans and pulses) very little junk food (the odd bar of chocolate won't give you spots but living on McDonalds, pizza and food full of additives will). Exercise and fresh air is really important and using harsh products which strip the skin like peroxide will wosen things. Use a gentle face wash, plain moisturiser and tea tree oil ( just a couple of drops). I can't stress the diet part enough, keep everything as natural as possible, read ingredients, if you don't know what it is, don't eat it!I need some advice about teenage problems!?
u need to drink alot of water and not drink or smoke/only saying if u do! eat healthy food! dont touch your face,wash your hands often,well after going toilet lol.....or if ur on the train...make sure u wash them cos that is a dirty place...same with money! also dont spend money on products such as clearsil....buy cheaper ones for sensitive skin! i have used many face washes but they dont work! its more about what goes in your body then on your face! but do wash your face,moisturise always! and exercise! try not to wear foundation...they cause spots! but if u need it buy bare minerals foundation....i started using it and it doesnt cause spots,u can sleep in it if u want! but always wash your face before bed......twice a day is enough! change pillow case once a week or twice lol....am a freak so i do it twice!
i know its not the most exciting thing,but water is the best thing...

fruits,aloe vera jel and oil,natural oils are the best...

looking after your skin...i.e...washing make-up off completely,washing face with moisturizing soap and cream so they do not dry out the skin..also watch what you eat..try to stay away from the fats and sugars..i.e..fast foods,sweets,candy,chocolate ect.

have a balanced diet...it works for me...just gibve it a try...

good luck....
Get some anti-oxidants. You can find this in fruit. Wash your face regularly..Trust me i got a degree in biology
my mom has a spot too...

i would say wear sunscreen everyday! cause that saves your skin

go to sephora and ask a person that works there... thats where my mom got it. it was 80 dollars i think but its less noticable anymore
there is this stuff called ';bye bye blemish';

I buy it at walgreens for like 10 dollars

it's a miracle treatment :]

worth every cent
hydrogen peroxide
Spots = pimples/acne? Try ProActiv, it works wonderfully for me ;)
try tooth paste
Be more specfic and red spots from! Pimples or acne what? Proactiv is great!

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